Friday, February 12, 2010

Back to Blogging

Hey everybody. It's been a while since I've blogged, but I'm back! I have some news, but it's mostly about my pets and all that fun stuff, so feel free to just skip right over this. Some of you know, and some of you don't, but my animals are my life, so you should expect a lot of "Pet Posts" from me. :D

So the first bit of news I have is that Sunny is gone. If you don't know who Sunny is, I suggest reading my first pet post. So my little barn buddy is no more, and I don't know what happened to him. And Mufasa's back. I can't say I'm excited about his reappearance. I know it's mean, but his quality of life isn't great at the moment. However, there were two new additions to the barn cat family, Little Man and Baby Boy, later renamed Mutt and Jeff. <-- Mom called them that because they were always together, and it just kind of stuck. Little Man is Mutt, and Baby Boy was Jeff. They were brothers, and looked almost identical, except that Mutt has a white star on his chest. Regrettably, Jeff was run over by a car not too long ago, so it's just Mufasa and Mutt. But Mutt seems to be doing fine. He acts like a dog. When I get off the bus, he usually comes up the driveway to meet me. He comes when called, and "talks" constantly. He is my new barn buddy.

Also, Biscuit was sold to a guy in Wyoming to go into competitive Reining, and Mom got a fully trained Reining horse from Idaho, named Little Bit. Joker's still here, and it looks like she'll be here forever. Joker recently had a rear leg injury that almost completely severed one of her tendons. Luckily, it was one that won't cause her any complications and won't require her being put down. She is still healing from the wound(after four weeks delay because of some stupid vet's advice) and is doing very well. So she will stay and be the little cousin's riding pony for when they come to visit. I swear, the only reason my little cousins look forward to coming over is for the horses.

But on to better news. I am excited to tell you all that I will be buying an Australian Shepherd puppy in 2011, and I have big plans for it. It is from a local breeder, and the head of a local Australian Shepherd club. I don't know how this new puppy will fit into our house(the inside barely holds the two current aussies), but I will make it work. I've been waiting for a puppy for a while, and I'm saving up so that I can at least pay part of the cost. I can't tell you all how excited I am. I'm hoping that it will be born in the summer, so that I can spend as much time as possible working with it and training it and so that I won't have to be away from it for eight hours a day.

Unfortunately, getting a new puppy and devoting all of my time to it will require me to quit all of my Role-playing sites. I'm not so excited about this, because I've made some really good friends, but I can't keep playing on the internet every spare minute. I can't afford to have that distraction if I want to make this puppy a great agility dog. I won't be quitting any time too soon, because I have plots that need to be finished and some that haven't even started. But I will quit in 2011, as soon as my puppy is born, if not sooner.

In other good news, I am almost finished with Drivers Ed, so hopefully I will be getting my permit after this wonderfully snowy four-day weekend. On the bright side, I'll have an advantage over some kids, because I can drive myself to and from agility practice, which happens to be at night, so it will take me around ten weeks to get my ten hours of night driving. And I've been driving the truck and tractor since I was eleven, so I have some experience there. By September I'll be able to get my license, and then the real fun begins. :D

I believe that's all the news I have for tonight. However, if you would like to see Pearl's and my first Agility NADAC Q, you can go to and watch. There'll also be some videos of them in the snow yesterday and today. Have fun watching those. :D

See y'all later.

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