Monday, August 17, 2009

About the Author

Right, because I'm an author. I wish. Anyway, this is the first post in my revamped blog. So, naturally, I'm going to tell you some things about me.

We'll start at the basics. I'm about to be 15 (September 21st) and I'm going to be that much closer to 16, when I can be considered a little more of an adult. I really do hate being 14 going on 15. My name is Nicole. Some people call me Nikki, mostly friends from my early childhood, but my best friend now calls me Nicole. Honestly, it sounds weird when somebody calls me Nikki. But I'm rambling now. Anyway, I'm a serious dog lover. I like the big furry lapdogs, not the little yippy devils. Yes, I know it's all in the way they're raised, but I still can't stand Chihuahuas. My personal favorites are Aussies(Australian Shepherds). They have wonderful temperaments and all of the ones I've met are very sweet.

And, I'm very excited to tell you all, I am now 5' 3/4" tall! At the end of the school year I was 5' 1/4". So yay! I'm a natural brunette, although I put highlights in it last year, so it is no longer 'virgin'. I don't know if I'll ever put highlights in it again. I have brown eyes and weigh somewhere around 120 lbs. I have to say I'm a jeans-and-t-shirt kinda girl, and I'm not very popular. Honestly, I'm not the most social person on the planet. I have problems with that, and it might just have something to do with the fact that I'm an only child? You can make up your own mind on that.

So, for hobbies, I like to do Agility. Now, for those of you who don't know, that's basically me running around and directing a dog through obstacles(jumps, tunnels, A-frames, etc.). I have a passion for training dogs, and eventually I'd like to pursue it as a career, but I've been advised to take the Vet career. Not sure which I'll go with, but I guess I have time to decide. Something you should understand about me, is that I don't spot a dog in a pet store and run up and go "OMG look a doggie, how cutee!" No. That's not my style. I don't go up to the dog, the dog comes to me, and then I pet it. That's the way I believe all dogs should be greeted, because they don't feel crowded or startled. Seriously, how would you feel if someone suddenly ran up and started touching your face, talking in a really high voice and giving you kisses?

I'm very passionate about animals, although shelters don't make me cry(glance at best friend). I despise puppy mills and pet shops(most puppies in pet shops come from puppy mills, if you didn't know). I have a really bad grudge against anyone who neglets or abuses an animal, and I can go into a raving mood when I see such things. I just don't like it, and I'm not going to stay neutral about it.

Ok, this is all stuff I might get to later in my blogs, so I'll skip to some more basics and you won't have to hear me ramble anymore. I live in Texas, where it gets hot and humid(which is worse than dry and hot, btw), and really cold and dry in winter. Aren't I lucky? I wish we got more snow, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. Perhaps tomorrow I'll make a topic about my pets, but right now I think I'm going to get off the internet.

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